Strapless Cocktail Dresses

Long, slender necks and sharp shoulder bones that accentuate a good arc of the back shouldn?t be concealed in a bulky and old-style dress. A woman with these assets can look effortlessly stunning simply by prancing around with a strapless cocktail dress paired with trendy pair of shoes.

The best thing about wearing strapless cocktail dress is that it can be worn in almost any occasion. In fact, a lot of fashion experts today suggest that cocktail dresses can be worn even in a formal soiree with the right accessories and styling.

When shopping for strapless cocktail dresses, therefore, one should consider the occasion where the pieces will be worn. Often, cocktail dresses are perfect for a warm and dry gathering. This being said, it is but reasonable to go for dresses made of light and breathable fabrics like chiffon or silk. Make sure that the dress does not easily crease especially when you expect to spend most of your time sitting down than being on your feet.

Strapless dresses are undoubtedly tricky to wear in that they have the tendency to fall down when the fit is not right. Thus, you should get the exact measurements prior to heading down to the store and purchasing that dress you have been wanting for so long. Remember that the dresses come with no straps so it needs to be snug on the bust area. This, however, does not give you an excuse to buy a piece that is too tight. Doing so may obstruct your breathing and may as well give unwanted bulges.

Speaking of measurements, women can determine their body types by using a good reference and measuring their bust line, waist and hips. Usually, strapless cocktail dresses would look good on slender women with an hour glass figure. There are, however, ways in which curvier women can strut these pieces.

Those with big arms and bust should purchase dresses with neutral colors and minimal prints. Having an empire waist or accessorizing it with big trendy belts would also make the silhouette look better. Buying a matching shawl or bolero is the best choice for pear or apple shaped women.

When you have great long legs a strapless cocktail dress can further compliment your body physique. Then again, there are wide array of choices when it comes to the length of cocktail dresses.

So far, black is still the most common and highly demanded color of strapless cocktail gowns. A strapless little black dress is a classic item for just about any closet of trendy women. Black gives a slimming effect and either appears casual or formal depending on the accessories used with the dress. Then again, black strapless dresses can make you age especially when you?re pale. This is why metallic or silver jewelries that can soften the look and lift the face go well with strapless little black dresses.

Hairstyles, on the other hand, should emphasize the shoulder blades and neck. Wearing it up with a stylish bun is therefore the safe choice when it comes to do?s. The locks can also be let loose as long as they emphasize the designs of the dress and compliment the whole ensemble.